i'm Anderson


CSS3 HTML5 TkInter TkInter


Selenium MongoDB Node.js Python Django MySQL Docker Flask


Bash GNU OCTAVE PowerShell After Effects Photoshop Adobe InDesign Illustrator matplotlib.org networkx.org


AWS Linux Arduino Bash GCP Git Raspberry Pi Android Android

My Certification Set

Acceleration Test Automation #TQI
Types of tests and automation strategies
API automation with Rest Assured and Kotlin
Advancing with Deep Learning
Introduction to the Internet of Things
[FULLSTACK JOURNEY] Backend with NodeJs and Express (Part 1)
Virtual Voice Assistant in Bixby - Bringing Intelligence to the Interface
[FULLSTACK JOURNEY] Backend with NodeJS and Express (Part 2)
[FULLSTACK JOURNEY] Backend and Database Lab with MongoDB
No-code prototyping of digital solutions (Part 1)